
Friday, January 31, 2014

Whole30 #2 Day 30

I feel like since this is the last day of my Whole30, I should have something profound, or at least interesting, to write, but I've got nothing. Tomorrow, the only difference is going to be that I'll weigh myself and see how the weight loss aspect of this went, although I truly think that's only a tiny, tiny part of what eating this way can do, and I'm a lot more concerned about things like feeling better, having clearer skin (not that my skin was too horrible before, but over Christmas I had some breakouts that have now cleared up), having more energy -- things that are harder to measure, but are more important than a number on a scale.

I do go to the doctor next week, I hope to see some improvement in my cholesterol and blood sugar, but I don't really know how soon after making a change like this changes in those numbers show up, so I don't really know what to expect. 

Anyway, here's what I ate today:

Breakfast -- egg casserole, zingy ginger dressing (I'm really liking this dressing, on pretty much everything), cauliflower/squash soup, and some coffee with coconut milk that I ended up not even drinking half of.

Lunch -- salmon patties, coleslaw and strawberry/pineapple/coconut kombucha (I was out of tartar sauce, and mayonnaise to make tartar sauce, and eggs to make mayonnaise. Sad day. But the salmon patties were good anyway.)

Supper - baked sweet potato stuffed with browned ground beef and spinach and Magic Dust seasoning, and a pineapple coconut kombucha.

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